
srt2vobsub is a command-line tool for linux or other Unix-like systems that generates a pair of .idx/.sub vobsub subtitle files from a textual subtitles file.
The resulting vobsub subtitles are not strictly standards compliant, whether they will work as expected or not depends on the player device, resp. the playback software.
Natively srt2vobsub supports .srt files as input. Other file formats will be converted into temporary .srt files with ffmpeg (if supported).
srt2vobsub uses ideas originally developed by "Phantome" and released as "2dsub" at under the terms of the GNU GPL v.3. Today this seems to be available only here.

Software requirements

The program needs Python3 , the Python-Chardet module for Python3 for detecting the input file encoding, the Python3 version of Wand (a Python implementation of libmagickwand) to render subtitle images, fc-list to detect the font file from a given font name, ffmpeg to convert non-srt input files, mediainfo to query video file properties and bdsup2sub to generate the vobsub subtitle stream.
The program supports both bdsup2sub version 4 and 5 (which have a completely different command line interface). For best results it is recommended to use the latest available version of bdsup2sub v. 5.
When using a Debian- or Ubuntu-based system, the required packages are: python3, python3-chardet,python3-wand, fontconfig, ffmpeg, mediainfo and bdsup2sub. The latter seems to be available as a pre-built debian package only from deb-multimedia
fc-list, ffmpeg and mediainfo are not strictly necessary to run the program, however without fc-list you will have to pass the complete path to the font file of your choice (or stick with the default DejaVuSans that comes with srt2vobsub), without ffmpeg you will not be able to use input files other than .srt and without mediainfo the script will not be able to detect the video properties from a video file.

3rd party software

srt2vobsub includes version 1.11.0 of the Chris Down's srt module. If you are working with srt subtitles files and use the Python programming language, check out the complete srt package which includes API documentation of the srt module and a number of rather cool command-line utilities!


Since srt2vobsub consists of a single Python script no installation is required. You can simply type on the command line:
    $ ./  subtitlesfile
If you want to install srt2vobsub system wide, use the install script:
    # ./install
to copy the program files to /usr/local/share/srt2vobsub and create a symbolic link to at /usr/local/bin/srt2vobsub . To remove a previous installation you can do:
    # ./install --remove

Usage examples

Generate vobsub files foo.idx and foo.sub with default parameters:
    $ srt2vobsub
Retrieve video properties from movie and generate vobsub files with matching name from an advanced substation alpha subtitles file:
    $ srt2vobsub -m "Life of Brian.mp4" -n "Life of Brian" foo.ass
Create subtitles with 1080x720 px. resolution and save corrected subtitles file to :
     $ srt2vobsub -r 720p -S 1
For complete usage instructions please refer to the man page.


srt2vobsub is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v.3.


srt2vobsub was written by:
Michael Lange <klappnase (at) users (dot) sf (dot) net>


If you encounter a bug, please open a ticket at the sourceforge bug tracker.


Download the latest version from srt2vobsub's sourceforge project page.

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